This week's Scottish Saints
Saints Geradine, Machar and Devenick not to mention Bl Duns Scotus who played a major part in the understanding of the Immaculate Conception.
Saint Gerardine (St Gernadius), Feast Day 8th November, 10th Century
An Irish Saint who was said to have left Ireland to flee the Vikings and take up residence as a Hermit in a cave at Lossiemouth, the popular seaside town in Morayshire. The cave is no longer present as it was blown for quarrying but you will see dedications to him as ‘Geradine’ in local places names as well as a recent organised walk to commemorate his role in protecting ships coming close to Lossiemouth on stormy nights with his lantern.
St Machar, Feast Day 12th November, 6th Century
St Devenick, 6th Century, Feast Day on the 13th November
St Devenick was a contemporary of St Machar and indeed was very close to him. It is said St Devenick and Machar agreed that whilst St Machar would concentrate on the North east, Devenick would spread the gospel in Caithness. This he did but with the request that once he died his body would be borne back to a Church of his friend St Machar and be buried there. Below is an old poem in the Saints honour:
Nocht lang eftire apone a day
(To) sanct Machor a mane cane say:
That sanct Dewynnik In-to Catnes
Thru gret eilde falyeit and ded was;
And quhene he one his dedstra lay,
To thaime that nest war he cane say:
Sene that ye se ded sail me tak,
I coniure you for godis sak
That yhe for na trawall be Irke
To bere my body to sume kirk,
Quharfor sanct Machor has keping,
And pray hyme for the hewynnis king
That he meyne one and thochtfull be
Of his hicht that ye mad to me
Of his gud will at our partyng.
With this of spek he mad ending
And yaulde the gast but mare abad.
And thai that this commawndment had,
To tak his body war nocht Irk
And one a bere brocht till a kirk
That was bot litill fra that place
That befor to thaime lentyne was.
And quhene that sanct Machor this tale
Has herd as I haf tald yu hale,
He mad regrat and had disese.
But, for he durst nocht god disples,
That nycht but slepe all haile he lay
In his prayere, till it wes day:
And in that kirk with fleschely eyne
Full feile brycht angelis he has sene
Flc upe and doune, makand thairc play.
Quhar at the cors of Dewynnik lay.
Thane was sanct Machor blyth and glad
For this fare sicht that he sene had.
And one the morne quhene it was day,
Till his discipulis this cane say:
Lowe we all god, my brothir dere,
That has ws send a gud gestenere!
Tharfor mak we ws redy tyt
Hyme, as a spe afferis, to visidte
And yeld till hyme forout delay
That office that we acht to say
For worthi mene, quhene thai ded are!
With that thai passit furthmare
To the kirk quhar at sanct Machor
The angelis play had sene befor.
Bot thai that the cors brocht thiddire,
With It had gane thar way to-giddir
Ner-by of Creskane to the hill,
And thare abad, to reste in will.
Bot sanct Machor forontyne firste.
Folouit and fand thaime thaire tak reste.
And he and his thar with thame abad
Till thai the seruice all had mad
That to sic deide mene suld parteyne
Ar ony wink come in thar eyne.
And syne bare the cors deuotely
Till a place callit Banchory.
And thare solempni with honoure
Thai grathit for it a sepulture,
And one hyme thare thai mad a kirk.
Quhar god yeit cesis nocht to wirk
Thru his prayere ferleis full fele,
To sek and sar folk gyfand heile.
Mene callis that place quar he lay
Banchory Dewynnik till this day.
God Bless!