St Ninians Legacy
John Woodside shares on the life of the Grandaddy of Scottish mission. Fr Chigbo writes on evangelism, JP Mallon of Sancta Famillia and Mairi-Claire McGeady of RCAG Youth contribute. Welcome!
In honour of the Feast of St Ninian which was on the 16th I have put together a Mission Special. My hope is that through the contributions of those below, it can help you in the sharing of your own faith. God Bless
St Ninian
John Woodside on the life of St Ninian.
Sharing the Gospel with Others
Fr Kingsley Chigbo | St Mary’s Fochabers
Go make disciples of all nations: This was the command of Christ which ushered in centuries of missionary work of evangelization throughout the whole world, and this command is still echoing in our time. People who, like the disciples, heard Jesus calling them went immediately to answer this call to make disciples for God in different places. Courageously, they preached the word; they had the good times and bad, fair and gloomy days. To them, nothing was impossible or too high to reach because they know the God they have and who commissioned them; the God who makes everything possible. Wherever they go, they left the footprints of the Christ whom they serve on the sands of time. They went to the different continents of the world. St Ninian whose feast we celebrate today, is one of such people; their efforts in making us disciples for the Lord, is not forgotten, as we still enjoy today the fruits of their ministry.
Baptise them in the name of the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit (Mt.28:19b). St Ninian and many others were here in Scotland, leaving behind the footprint of the gospel in the hearts of people and in the sands of time, and what they left behind, has been indelible. Through their work we came to know God and were immersed in Him – the father son and Holy Spirit at baptism and we became Christians, Children of God. Our land, our country, our people were immersed in God; we became his people, his children, and He, our God - a relationship of love (1 John 3:1)! Such a filial relationship we have with God is carried through all ages when we share the gospel with others. We are reaping from it still because we were immersed deep in God.
Teach them to observe what I have commanded you (Mt.28:20a). As we rejoice in the gift and works of those saints who were missionaries in our land, we should also remember that the Lord is still sending people into his vineyard - the world, so that they continue keeping aflame the fire of the gospel in every age, imprinting his eternal word in people’s hearts and immersing them in God.
God doesn’t want anyone to be lost (Mt.18:14). Imagine if those early missionaries didn’t listen to God’s call, we wouldn’t know God. They taught us about God’s infinite grace of love and mercy, and here we are living in full awareness of God’s merciful love! I think our experience of God is not just for our self aggrandisement, glory or satisfaction; we need to share it still with others as we ourselves have received.
This is where you and I come in, because without looking outward for those people who have specially dedicated their lives to be missionaries, we can fail to look inward, not seeing that this commission of Jesus has being given to each of us individually, for our brothers and sisters around us in our vicinity. “Charity begins at home”. You and I are called to keep the flag flying, the fire of faith alive, the seed of the gospel growing, and the love of God warm in the lives of everyone around us. Like seeds scattered in the fields, we are living in different villages, towns, cities and among many people in whom the word of God has not been imprinted and needs to be imprinted for posterity. Enlighten someone with a smile and words of kindness and sow the seed of God’s grace.
I am with you always to the very end of the age. (Mt.28:20b) The Lord who sent his disciples out to those places where he would visit (Lk10:1), sends us out as individuals, families, Church and people of faith, to those he wants to visit, those who are in need of him in their lives. We are the missionaries sent by God to that neighbour we have, that person walking along the street, that person you meet in the shopping mall.
Imagine all the good memories we recall about people whose life affected us. That is how you will be remembered, just like the saints, for sharing the message of God’s love and mercy, peace and healing, and your faith and hope in God with those around you who feel lost especially in this our time when fear, confusion, sickness, sorrow, terror or worldly lifestyle has made a lot of people to turn away from God. To the sorrowful, let us bring the gospel of joy; to the sick and elderly, let us bring God’s healing and compassion; to all sinners, the message of God’s love and forgiveness; to those in bitterness, anxiety, conflict and anger, let us bring peace and reconciliation. That is how we can make Christ present and palpable for people in our time.
I pray that God’s grace will guide us as we continue helping people to know Him and feel Him through the way we live out his gospel and carry out his commission. Amen. St Ninian, Pray for us.
Fr Kingsley I Chigbo is a Roman Catholic priest from Nigeria, ordained in 2011. He belongs to the Congregation of Christ the Emmanuel (CCE). He has been serving in the R.C. Diocese of Aberdeen since 2018. He is the administrator of the Parishes of St Peter (Buckie), St Mary’s (Fochabers), St Thomas (Keith) and St Margaret (Huntly).
Using Social Media Well: In this short video, JP Mallon of Sancta Familia, a Lanarkshire based ministry and media company talks about the use of new media and technology in sharing the gospel.
Saints in the Making: Mairi-Claire McGeady of the RC Archdiocese of Glasgow Youth writes about the impact Parish based youth groups can have on the lives of young people today.
The New Normal: Three simple steps to help you when sharing your faith to your friends, family and colleagues.
All videos will be free and available from 10:15am tomorrow (Saturday 19th). The talks are on a wide range of subjects which means I am sure you will find something that will speak to you. Go to Roughbounds Media to access the talks.
God Bless - Have a good week.
Eric in Sunny Nairn