St John Chrysotom: Six Books on the Priesthood
Recommended by Fr Ross Crichton, Parish Priest of St Michaels, Eriskay.
It is good for us to delve deep into our Christian past and draw spiritual nourishment from the writings of the Fathers. An awareness of our Christian past gives us a sense of perspective on the present. Human nature has not changed that much and while the context differs, the challenges of the past are not that much different in essence from those of the present.
Set as a conversation between St. John Chrysostom and his friend Basil, St. John ‘of the Golden Mouth’ sets out his reasons for avoiding consecration as a Bishop. It is a glorious exposition of the weakness of human nature and the temptations which accompany high office in any context; but it is also a wonderful theological presentation of what it means to be an ordained minister in the Church. It gives us an interesting glimpse into Church life and politics in an era and context very different from our own reminding us that every era in Church history has faced challenges through which the Church had to grow.
This book is worth reading at the present time because it can correct our understanding of what we can reasonably expect of those ordained to positions of leadership in the Church. Living, as we do, in an era which has seen the breakdown of catechesis and the disintegration of the liturgical and canonical discipline of the Church, we should not wonder that people no longer know what to expect of their priests and bishops; it may reasonably be asked if some of those in ordained ministry know what is expected of them. St. John Chrysostom leaves us in no doubt that the task of the ordained minister is defined by reference to God, rather than the expectations of the people, realistic or otherwise.
That temptation exists for all Christian however – do I know what God wants of me in my particular vocation or do I simply live my life in such a way as to avoid conflict by appeasing those who would otherwise make life difficult? On one level, this book acts as an examination of conscience for both ordained ministers and the Christian laity? It holds up a mirror to the reader and asks if we are living up to the demands of our own vocation, or if we hold unrealistic expectations of others in their vocations.
While the style and language of the book do not make for an easy read, it is certainly digestible in small sections and therefore good for spiritual reading. An honest exposition of the challenges of the Christian vocation, it also reminds us that God’s power is made perfect in our weakness when that weakness is recognised and acknowledged. For those in a position of spiritual leadership, as well as those who are seeking firm leadership in the Church, this book serves to remind us that our primary duty is to meet the demands which God makes of us notwithstanding the criticism or praise that those around us may express.
Fr Ross Crichton